Country Place Campgrounds Luray VA
Enjoy Camping on the Shenandoah RiverAdults: $25/person/night
Children 10 & under: $15/child/night
( Additional rate information)
Check our local weather from Luray for timely accuracy !
Weather Predictions: Check weather station across river from our campground.
Weather apps/DC/ Baltimore/ Richmond/National “shows” do not accurately predict our local weather.
*Effective July 8, 2020, we will not be booking groups consisting of fewer than 6 people. Smaller groups are OK for Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July Weekend and Labor Day Weekend!
All campers enjoy Shenandoah River front access and use of showers/ bathrooms. (No RVs, no ATVs, no generators allowed)
Reserve: 540.743.4007 or (Advanced reservations required.)
We require a two-night minimum on regular weekends and a three-night minimum on all holiday weekends.
We are adjacent to Shenandoah River Outfitters.
Camps open, weather permitting, May to October.

Country Place Lodging & Camping on the Shenandoah River Country Place is perfect for groups, families, schools, offices wishing their own private campground.The kids can play and cool off in the river right beside your campsite!
Base Camp groups enjoy completely furnished kitchen (dishes, pots, pans, etc) Dishwasher, refrigerators, grill, gas stove, microwave, coffee pots, etc.)
River Access/Fishing: smallmouth bass, catfish, perch
- Country Place Shenandoah River beach front just below rapids.
- 7 acre stocked pond a short hike from camp through GWN Forest
- Fly fishing.
- Next to Shenandoah River Outfitters: canoe, kayak, tubes, raft rentals.
Camp on Shenandoah River… or Base Camp with more amenities uphill.
Note: No firewood from outside Page County permitted to prevent beetle/ other infestation of forests/parks.
Reserve firewood on site – $8 bundle; $85 half pickup; $175 pickup load.
Country Place Camp welcomes all groups. 2-night minimum stay requested.
Group 10 + Campers Rates:
- $25/person/night
- Child to 3 years free accompanied by paying adult.
- Pets on property limited in number/size: $15 per night, less than 45 pounds, vaccinated, under owner control/leash.
- Note: 10.3% combined State & County taxes added.